Life on Mars, print installation

Meet the Artist

Marlee Jones is a Bowling Green, Kentucky Native who graduated from WKU in 2019 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Printmaking. She grew up surrounded by art with two parents who did art full time. Her goal is to one day open a gallery and working studio space.

“My work reflects the journey sobriety has taken me on in my mid to late 20’s. My over consumption of drugs and alcohol left me feeling very detached from reality. When I was able to get sober, I saw how unhealthy my thoughts of myself were, and I learned to love myself again. I enjoy working more spontaneously and experimentally to counteract the repetition and precision that is sought after in traditional printmaking. Using older materials to give my work a distressed look echoes the vintage landscape of my hometown of Bowling Green, Kentucky. I also embrace all mistakes because I myself am far from perfect. My subject matter ranges from the locations of gritty dive bars where I used to inhabit to blooming Iris’ and cacti gardens. I myself am just a Desert Cowgirl trying to suck up life, and live.”